
Showing posts from June, 2022

Creare Rituali Quotidiani

  Questo percorso vuole accompagnarti nella scoperta dei   diversi approcci  che puoi adottare per  riscoprire  il  tuo corpo e la tua mente . Nei 30 giorni della  challenge  potrai creare un  tuo spazio sacro  da poter coltivare con regolarità anche dopo l’evento.  Vogliamo farvi innamorare (o re-innamorare) della vostra  sadhana . Molti di noi hanno vite frenetiche e spesso il tempo da poter dedicare alla nostra pratica personale slitta all’ultimo posto della lista delle cose da “fare”. Il nostro intento dietro questo percorso e’ quello di offrirvi  mini-pratiche   sostenibili  e  semplici  che possano divenire il vostro  rituale quotidiano . All’inizio del percorso riceverai un  workbook  con un po’ di teoria, le nostre ricette preferite e spunti di ispirazione per motivarti durante il percorso! Chi siamo Siamo due amiche che si sono incontrate durante il nostro percorso yogico -  Anna  vive a Milano  ed è mamma di due bimbi stupendi,  Ameriga  invece vive al mare in  Sicilia. Entra

Corpi Liberati

  Il pacchetto comprende 4 masterclass. In ogni lezione si lavorerà su una posture apice specifica, la cui anatomia verrà discussa prima della pratica. Inoltre ogni lezione sarà occasione per condividere dei temi di riflessione, per questo vi consiglio di portare un quaderno per appunti/diario. Le lezioni sono registrate e disponibili per 1 mese.. Accedi alle lezioni per 30 giorni. €40 4 Masterclass in Italiano 4 Masterclass in Italiano Enroll now Lezioni Corpi liberati - 4 masterclass Movimento Cosciente (127:02) PREVIEW Mente Cosciente (135:49) START Emozioni Coscienti (136:24) START Intenzioni Consapevoli (118:46) START

Mentoring for Yoga Teachers

  Let me help you grow as a yoga teacher and develop your career. If you have completed a 200 hrs YTT, you might be wondering: how do I land teaching jobs now? How can I convince my friends to take a yoga class with me? How can I show up as a teacher on social media? How can I make this my full-time job? My Yoga Mentoring Program was developed out of my experience as a Yoga Teacher and Trainer who has seen her students transform their passion for yoga into a full-time job.  This is the best program to get all my Yoga teaching experience as well as my expertise in marketing and communication ! Who is this for? You just completed a 200 hrs Teacher Training Program and now you feel lost on how to move on.  You are teaching yoga part time and would like to make this a full-time job. You would like to launch an online course. You don’t know how to use Instagram to grow in your profession. You don’t know what you need to strengthen in your offer, in order to be a better teacher.   Yoga Mento


  oin the tribe for our second season at Stagnone Lagoon, for a week of bodywork and transformational group activities centered on Yoga, Mind-Body therapy and transformative life-coaching. In this retreat you will be offered much more than just yoga. Ameriga (ERYT500, MA Yoga Studies, Master NLP, Life Coach) has crafted a transformative program, by creating an alchemy of body and mind practices that draw from Eastern traditions and Western Wisdom. WHAT TO EXPECT Part of the transformative power of this retreat is that you can join the group in some powerful group activities. You are invited to “say Yes to everything”, because when you say Yes to everything, anything can happen to you. If you have never been on a retreat with Ameriga, feel free to get in touch and speak to her in order to see if this is the experience that you need. In  the morning  you’ll start the day by  practicing pranayama  which will keep you energy levels high throughout the activities of the week. This is follow


  Join the tribe for 8 days immersed in nature, in the practice of Yoga, and with profound experiences of sharing and personal growth. Ameriga (ERYT500, MA Yoga Studies, Master NLP, Life Coach) has crafted a transformative program, by creating an alchemy of body and mind practices that draw from Eastern traditions and Western Wisdom. WHAT TO EXPECT This intensive course is a great immersion in the world of Yoga and Personal Growth, and it will provide you with practical tools and insights to live a conscious life once you go back home.  If you have never been on a retreat with Ameriga, feel free to get in touch and speak to her in order to see if this is the experience that you need. You can also check her instagram page to see what happened in her past retreats (CLICK HERE) PROGRAM: 8.30 -10-30 AM: VINYASA FLOW CLASS 6.00-7.30 PM: EVENING WORKSHOP/PRACTICE YOUR WEEK: In  the morning  you’ll start the day with a  two-hours level-2 vinyasa flow class , usually centered on a peak pose. T